Clients rely on ALL-WAY's factory sourcing professionals to find top-notch primary sources and backup sources that balance requirements for quality, delivery, and price. It's like opening an international purchasing office overnight. 

    ALL-WAY can be complex and requires strategies and expertise. 

    ●   Locating suppliers and supplier verification.

    ●   Evaluating assembly options.

    ●   Performing in-person supplier visits and evaluating management’s interest.

    ●   Finding a contract manufacturer for a total product solutions.

    ●   Coordinating requests for quotations.

    ●   Investigating freight and negotiating deals.

    ●   Performing comprehensive supplier audits.

    ●   Developing and executing a supply chain strategy.

    ●   Negotiating contracts.

    ●   Ongoing supply chain management: purchase orders, consolidation, export.

    ●   Developing a QA/QC plan for incoming material, work in process, finished goods.

    ●   A profitable sourcing strategy requires detail-intensive work. With ALL-WAY’s bilingual team as your execution arm, you’ll be in a strong position with a quality solution to sell in markets worldwide—for decades to come.

    ●   Coordinating samples: mold making oversight, creation of accurate samples.

    ●   Investigating duty.